Jeffrey Saltzman's Blog

Enhancing Organizational Performance

Archive for May 2014

Upcoming Webinar: “The ManagerCoach©: Assessing and Developing Managers as Coaches.”

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Strategic 360s

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Please join OrgVitality’s David Bracken, Ph.D. for our complimentary webinar: “The ManagerCoach©: Assessing and Developing Managers as Coaches.” on May 20 at 12:30 PM EDT.

Organizations are placing more emphasis on the responsibilities of line managers to act as a coach in order to more fully develop their team members. Effective coaching by the manager supports the organization’s needs for aligning performance management to the organization’s goals while enhancing the employees’ sense that the organization cares about their development and careers.

This webinar presents a new model of “manager as coach” that captures contemporary management concepts and workforce trends. The ManagerCoach Feedback and Workshop© have been developed to integrate upward feedback with learning practice sessions to increase the ability of the manager to become a more effective coach. The workshop builds on seminal research on the key behaviors that managers need in order to create a coaching relationship with…

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Written by Jeffrey M. Saltzman

May 6, 2014 at 2:43 pm

A Murder of Crows

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A murder of crows. Sounds like that start of a mystery novel. The word murder in this case is used to describe a group of crows. Just like you would use the term a herd of cattle, or a pack of dogs. These descriptive terms are called collective nouns and arise out of a hunting tradition to describe the game being hunted. Many of these words are whimsical in nature and are designed to help define the nature of the groups. Take a pride of lions. If you ever looked at a picture of a group of lions sitting around or hunting together you can see how perfectly the term pride describes them.

Just for fun, I thought I would take a stab at defining some groups of employees within organizations or perhaps opening up a bit of a contest to see if anyone cared to name various alternatives (I am willing to send the winner a pack (dogs) of books I have written).

A group of college professors would be called a school of professors (Currently applied to fish).

A group of highly engaged employees would be called a team or a colony (Horses and bats respectively).

A group of HR professionals would be a gaggle or perhaps a charm (Finches).

A group of sales people would be a hunt or perhaps a rabble or a horde (Gnats).

A group of employees who always sit together in the cafeteria would be called a cackle (Hyenas).

A group of call center professionals would be a troop (Kangaroos among others).

And I can’t take credit for the following since I heard it on NPR today, but a group of Wall Street Bankers would be called a hedge.

And a group of IT professionals would be a cloud (Gnats).

A group of manufacturing line workers would be a yoke (Oxen).

A group of people who quit a company would not be alums but rather a parliament (Owls).

Very efficient people in a group would have to be called a covey (Quail).

Anyone care to jump in? Or perhaps a pandemonium (Parrots) of you would care to work together as a team?


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Written by Jeffrey M. Saltzman

May 4, 2014 at 5:43 pm

Posted in Humor