Jeffrey Saltzman's Blog

Enhancing Organizational Performance

Archive for August 2016

Upcoming Webinar Panel Discussion: Organizations and the SDGs: Why Doing Good is Good Business

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For Immediate Release
August 4, 2016

OrgVitality, a global consulting firm, is hosting a Webinar panel discussion to address how businesses and not-for-profit organizations can help achieve the United Nation’s humanitarian efforts while fulfilling their own missions. The Webinar will be moderated by Walter Reichman, a partner at OrgVitality and the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) representative to the UN.

Last September, the United Nations set an ambitious global humanitarian agenda by establishing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a list of 17 goals meant to improve the lives of people around the world over the next 15 years. Accomplishing these goals, which includes ending poverty, eliminating hunger, and achieving gender equality among other things, is a colossal task, and one that will require the cooperation and dedication of people from organizations beyond the United Nations and member countries.

Representatives from four organizations that are actively contributing toward fulfilling these goals will speak about their work during the discussion. The panelists include Dawn Rittenhouse, Director of Sustainable Development for DuPont; Mark C.Weick, Director, Sustainability and Enterprise Risk Management at Dow Chemical; Dr. David S. Wilkie, Executive Director, Conservation Measures and Communities at the Wildlife Conservation Society; and Dr. Ariel Meyerstein, Vice President, Labor Affairs, Corporate Responsibility and Governance, US Council for International Business. These individuals will describe their organization’s efforts, and explain why committing to the help fulfill these 17 goals makes good business sense.

We invite you to register for this event here.

If you’d like to contribute any questions to the discussion, or for more information, please contact Walter Reichman at

Written by Jeffrey M. Saltzman

August 5, 2016 at 6:56 am